Software Projects

Task Management App

Task Management App

React, Axios, CSS, Node.js, Express, CORS, PostgreSQL, pg (node-postgres), Render (Backend + Database), Vercel (Frontend)

A full-stack task management app built with React and Node.js that helps users organize and prioritize their daily tasks. Features include adding, editing, and deleting tasks, as well as setting task status and priority.

Portfolio Website

Portfolio Website

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

A personal portfolio website designed to showcase skills, projects, and accomplishments. Fully responsive and optimized for both desktop and mobile views.

Interactive 3D Globe

Interactive 3D Globe

JavaScript, WebGL, Three.js

A WebGL-based interactive globe showing various global data points in real-time.

Azure AD B2C Authentication App

Azure AD B2C Authentication App

React, Azure AD B2C, MSAL.js, CSS

This project demonstrates secure authentication using Azure AD B2C, a cloud-based identity management service from Microsoft. Built with React.js and Node.js, the app enables users to sign in and register via a Microsoft account with OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Event Tracker

Event Tracker

PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, PDO, Chart.js

A web application that allows users to create, manage, and track events. Features include user authentication, event creation, and RSVP functionality.

CNN Image Classification

CNN Image Classification

Python, TensorFlow, Keras

A machine learning model that classifies images into different categories using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for accuracy.

Simple Calculator App

Simple Calculator App

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

A simple web-based calculator that allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations with a clean and responsive UI.

Weather App

Weather App

JavaScript, OpenWeather API, HTML, CSS

A weather application that fetches real-time weather data based on user input and displays temperature, humidity, and conditions.